10 Nature Photography Tips For Beginners

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Do you want to learn more about nature photography but aren’t sure where to start? These are some tips to help beginners get started in this art.

Plan accordingly

Good hiking boots or shoes can make a big difference. Dress appropriately for the weather. Layering is a great way to keep warm and cool while still being comfortable. Safety precautions are important. Make sure you check the rules and regulations at the place where you plan to shoot. You can bring a friend or let someone know where your are going.

Learn how to use your camera’s settings

RAW (uncompressed) images produces the highest quality photos. You can add more light to your photo by setting the ISO at its lowest possible. To compensate, adjust your shutter speed. Do it at home first before you go out.

Get the right equipment

A tripod is highly recommended unless you are able to hold the camera steady or plan on blurring the image. A tripod is not necessary if you do not have one. You can use the ground, rock, or branches to stabilize your camera. To get maximum stabilization, hold your camera as close as you can to your body. A lens hood is a great way to reduce glare when taking photos on sunny days. A waterproof cover is also important if it rains.

To shoot, you don’t have to own a fancy Nikon and Canon.

Although they can capture amazing images, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on a DSLR. A camera phone is still a viable option. Your iPhone or Android can take amazing pictures thanks to the constant advancements in technology. Great images can be created by knowing how to best use your iPhone or Android.

Use the rule of thirds.

Photography is all about the rule of thirds. Imagine that the image is divided into nine sections, each section being divided by two horizontal and vertical lines. Each line intersects where the eye falls. A dynamic photograph can be made by placing your subject in the squares or on the intersecting lines.

Don’t get too close.

Fear can easily be caused by animals. Photographing wildlife can cause fear in your subject so make sure that you are not too close.

A new perspective

You can take more interesting photos if you look at your subject from a different perspective. Try framing from a different perspective, or get higher up.

Patience is the key

It’s best to not disturb the animals in their natural habitat so you may need to wait a while to get your shot. It’s worth waiting a little longer to get your shot. Don’t get discouraged! Do some research on the animal before you head out to learn more about its behavior.

Have fun!

A breath of fresh air can make a world of difference. Even if you don’t get the shot that you wanted, enjoy the moment.

Don’t give up!

Patience is the key. Sometimes it can be difficult to photograph animals or the right moment within nature. You will notice improvements in your photographs if you practice a lot. Every time I go out in the field, I still learn new things.

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